Our Artisan Partners
Colorful Minds supports over 80 women with disabilities in Rwanda who attend vocational training for traditional basket weaving. Basket weaving provides them with a small income which they use to support themselves and their families. Other art therapy classes include painting traditional dance, and sewing. They also take English and family planning classes, as well as interacting daily with expats & other guests who visit the NGO. Each woman has gained confidence & strengthened her self-esteem, while becoming independent and active participants of their local villages.

Colorful Minds partners with several foundations in India that deliver a physical, social, and cultural environment compatible with greater learning and growth for over 100 artisans with intellectual disabilities. The vision for these centers is to foster compassion, kindness, and inclusion in the world.
With your support, we help over 120 individuals with disabilities in Tanzania, East Africa who have been affected by polio, are amputees, have hearing impairments, and other disabilities. While the artisan partners often face negative stigma because of their disabilities, their acceptance at vocational centers provides dignity and independence because of the small stipend they earn for their artwork. This economic security reduces their reliance on street begging or opens up a social network giving them more independence in their communities.

We work with vocational centers in Cambodia that provide paid employment to over 300 artisans with disabilities caused by polio and landmine injuries.
Our Partners

Unlimit Health aims to improve the health of the poorest and most marginalized people in the world, enabling them to reach their full potential. Working in partnership with Governments in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Unlimit Health helps to deliver impactful public health programmes – working towards the elimination of preventable diseases. For each gift purchased through Colorful Minds, a portion of the proceeds go towards funding the delivery of medical treatment for children with neglected tropical diseases.