Our Equation Needs You
Colorful Minds is the start of an equation that empowers individuals living with disabilities the means to share their unique talents with the world.
Together, we move beyond the individual towards achieving global workforce inclusivity and access to better medical treatments for children.
Impact to Date
We have supported over
600 individuals with disabilities
including those who have cerebral palsy, autism, Down Syndrome, and those who have survived polio, been injured in landmines, and are hearing impaired
We enabled life-saving treatments medical treatment for
over 1821 children
in Sub-Saharan Africa for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
Provided over
6,588 dignified working hours
for artisans with disabilities in Rwanda, India, Cambodia, and Tanzania.


“If somebody could buy my products, I could have some money. I would be so happy if I could buy my [mother] one beautiful sari.”
Student at India Vocational Training Center for Cerebral Palsy
“Sadly, I never had any medical treatment or education before last year. The new wheelchair will help me engage in more learning activities. ”
Wheel chair recipient in Ghana, Family First Ghana

“I’ve seen the prices for basic needs increase significantly in Rwanda this year. The poorest citizens, like our artisan partners with disabilities, are hardest hit when the cost of cooking gas & food prices increases beyond their meager salaries. I’ve seen changes – which might seem insignificant to others – among our group of abagore mwiza (beautiful women) that have been very significant: a new shirt, better shoes, conditioned hair, a few kg of weight on their small frames, and brighter eyes when they smile. Their risk of disease and malnutrition has been significantly reduced because they can afford to share a home with a flush toilet & running water. Their children are thriving in school because they can pay the fees & afford to purchase uniforms for them. They have more confidence because 10,000 miles away, Colorful Minds cares about them. Thank you for making a significant impact in Gikondo, Kigali, Rwanda in 2022. Thank you for caring enough to make the partnership between CM and TTA a reality.”